CentralStationCRM help

Microsoft 365 integration

Microsoft 365 is a popular and widely used email service for small and large companies. With our integration, all emails you send or receive are filed with the appropriate person in the CRM. This eliminates the need for manual filing using the email filing system. The integration with Microsoft 365 thus offers even more convenience for the user. Of course, you can still use the email filing system if you do not have Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 is often used in conjunction with Outlook, but the integration also works with other email clients if you enter your Microsoft 365 access data there.

Please note: Emails from or to persons who are not known to your CentralStationCRM are also not stored in the CRM. The Microsoft 365 integration thus works according to the same principle as the previous email storage, but you skip the manual filing of emails which makes it easier for you.

To set up the integration, you need a Microsoft 365 account. In CRM, use the cogwheel to switch to the account settings and select the "Integrations" section. Here you can now set up the Microsoft 365 integration.

Select "Connect to Microsoft 365".

CRM will now redirect you to Microsoft. There you enter the access data of your Microsoft 365 account and activate the integration. Done!

From now on, emails are synchronised with the CRM, as long as the right people are connected.

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