CentralStationCRM help

Can I import tasks?

If you are importing contacts or companies from Excel, you can also directly import one task per person or company. While importing your sheet, you can assign the fields in your Excel file to the fields in the CRM at the bottom of the selection box. 


To import the tasks you need three different columns in your import sheet - the task content, the due date and the responsible colleague. 

The due date field should contain a date, so that we can date the task on the day. If we find no date or can not read it, we set the due date for the task to the present day. 

In the field "Responsible User", you can define the name of a created in the CRM colleagues. Just write the full name of the fellow in the cell and the task should be assigned directly to him. If we can not find the user, then the task is assigned to the user who is performing the import.

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