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All Categories Contacts & Companies How can I merge single duplicates?

How can I merge single duplicates?

To merge individual duplicates of persons or companies, you can go to the page of the person or company, edit them and then combine the function in the right column with duplicates.

On the next page, all possible duplicates are displayed for the selected person or company.

You can now click the checkbox in front of one or more entries and group the selected persons or companies with the previously called entry. All data is transmitted and additionally checked for duplicates. By merging you will not lose any notes, contact data, or tags.

Merge duplicates on overview page

You can also combine duplicates directly on the overview page of people or companies by clicking the checkbox in front of the respective entries and then clicking on the link above the list. In case of the persons or companies that have been merged, all data is being combined in one single entry.

After completing all data, you will be redirected to the person or company page. Here you can check the master data and correct any errors by editing the page (for example, removing an outdated address).

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